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Friday, September 28, 2012

Recycle old crayons and make new ones. Crafts for kids!

Another Fun Friday, this time with crayons!

We have been doing a lot of crafting with crayons at our house lately. Working with crayons isn't new to the children who frequent my house. Recently, we found a way to recycle those small broken pieces and shavings to make new crayons. The kids had a great time with this fun craft and had some nice new crayons shapes to use afterward.  Perhaps this idea might come in handy for you on a rainy day.

Recycle and use up those broken or worn-down crayons with this one.
Either separate chips by color or mix them up. (Mixing them up is both easier and faster)
Line or fill old muffin tins, bottle caps, candy molds or silicone baking cups with pieces of crayons or crayon shavings. You can use aluminum cupcake liners for a nice effect.  Heat crayons in either an old pan and pour into silicone molds or put the shavings or crayon bits into muffin tins or molds and bake at approximately 170 degrees for 10 to 15 minutes for a shallow pan or at 300 degrees for about 10 to 15 minutes or until melted for a deeper pan. If you use an oven, preheat it before baking. You really need to keep a close eye on the crayons while melting because the shallow pans melted really fast.

Tip* If you use a silicone muffin tin, it is helpful to place it on a hard cookie or baking sheet for stability when baking. This also makes it easier to get out of the oven when crayons are melted and the tray is hot to touch.

Tip*  Use a toothpick to stir the crayons slightly (if you used many colors) when you take them out of the oven to achieve a slightly swirled look.

~Next: cool the pan or silicone baking pan or candy molds in the freezer until hardened. (The silicone pans work really well.)

There you have it! Great new crayons that your kids will love making and using.

*Tip~If you use solid colors and put the crayons into a heart shaped mold, you can pop the heart out and put it on a valentine card. Looks really pretty.

OK Mom's! Here is a tip for you.

I took the paper off of a long crayon and held it over the back of a letter under a lighter flame, allowing a few drops to land on the back of a letter. The result, a pretty wax seal in moments.

Thanks for visiting my blog today.
Have fun crafting with crayons!


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