Well, I can hardly believe it myself but it is New Year's Eve. This year seems to have gone by painfully fast for me. I would have liked to savor my time a bit more but it seems I am almost always in a hurry. My optometrist and I were discussing this very thing last week as he reflected on how busy he had been this year. We laughed as we recalled the days of our youth when unhurried time seemed to be plentiful, recalling lazy days with "nothing pressing to do." What happened to those days? Hmmm, I am not sure. I used to think that I would "grow up" and be more in control of all my days and would have "all the time in the world." Somehow, it seems just the opposite happened when I reached adulthood. With all the modern conveniences we have and use on a daily basis, supposedly making our days "easier" and more organized, I find that I have less time instead of more. I can't help but think that we are all missing the boat here. Gone are the days when people have time just to visit or to "find" something to do. Instead, we have more and more of what we term "modern conveniences" which seems to leave us with less and less time. Our daily activities have become so impersonal. Texting has taken the place of calls or visits. Instead of visiting our friends or neighbors, we email them or text them. We have become such an impersonal race. I can't see how that is good. Perhaps our parents and grandparents were in fact the "lucky" ones savoring what has now seemingly been, at least to some degree, lost. I am not one to stand in the way of progress, and I like some of my electronic devices, (computer, etc) as well the next person, but may I suggest to all that for the coming year, we think about making a different kind of of a more personal nature. Maybe we could all take one day a week and "fast" from our electronic devices instead spending time with family or something along that line. Instead of texting, maybe just at least once a week we could visit a friend or actually pick up the telephone
and call them as opposed to emailing or texting. Our little family has decided to have a family game night once per week. It can't hurt anything can it? Who knows, we might all come out ahead for the new year.
I suspect that you all have many ways in which to celebrate the new year. My little family and I are going to ring it in at home, together. We are going to spend the evening together enjoying one another and talking a bit about all the many things we are thankful for. We are also going to talk a bit about what we each intend to do to make this world a better place in the new year. We happen to believe that if each of us did just one thing to make the world a better place, it would have a huge positive outcome.
So, as this year comes to an end and the new year dawns, I wish you all a safe and happy new year, filled with God's blessing on you and your families. I wish you all good health, good fortune and good friendship. May each of you enjoy each new day that God brings to you and may you make the most of it in a most positive way. May we all do what we can to support and show love to others and remember that there are many who are less fortunate than we ourselves might be. May we remember each day to thank God for all the blessings He has bestowed upon us and may we seek His ultimate guidance in all that we do and put our faith and trust in Him.
May we all take pride in our country and remember to support and pray for it, as well as the other countries in the world. May we remember to pray for peace in our world. Let us all remember to pray for our troops and our leaders.
May we do all that we are blessed to do and all that we put our hands to as unto God, for without Him we would not be blessed to do what we are doing anyway. May the coming new year bring each of us closer to Him.
I pray that 2011 is better to you as a person and to our nation than 2010 was. May we all work hard to do our part to make 2011 the best it can be.Happy New Year to you all.
God bless each of you.
Thank for visiting my blog.
I appreciate each of you!
May you be with the ones you love, whether they be in your memories, your dreams, your hearts or by your side this evening.
God Bless!
Happy New Year Everyone!
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