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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Up-cycle, Recycle, Boutique goes GREEN!

Custom orders come in all shapes and sizes. Recycled or up cycled items are very popular and are often requested. It is a fabulous way to go GREEN and help do what we can to save our planet. I love recycling whenever possible. I believe we all have a responsibility to try to recycle and conserve whenever we can. Recycling with boutique items is so much fun. We can add an accessory here or there or something for home decor in an unexpected way.
Shown above is an up-cycled handcrafted flower bag crocheted from various plastic bags that I saved from an uncertain "death". The result is a washable accessory bag that can be used for the market, the beach, or wherever one might wish to carry it. I have made several of these bags by request. They take a great many bags to complete and some extra time. I used approximately 125 bags to make the purse above. Occasionally, I've gotten a request for a fabric lining, though most often, customers have chosen an unlined bag. They are very popular and can be custom ordered. Of course, these items will differ somewhat because of available plastic.

There have been instances where customers would actually choose to mail me their colored bags to be made into something they requested. This most often happens when a customer has access to a certain color bag that I cannot get in my area.
Pictured here is a rug that was custom made for a family's bathroom. The plastic fibers were crocheted along with yarn to give the rug more color and added strength. The customer mailed me her plastic and her yarn colors to match her bathroom. This was the end result. I had a very happy customer.

Adding yarn to plastic fibers can amazingly add a pop of color that you might not expect and can alter the final "look" greatly. This same technique can be used when making purses and baskets too.
Shown here is part of a rug made with added green and purple yarn crocheted along with the plastic fibers. Perfect for the teenagers' room it went to.

While you might think these plastic items would feel stiff, they are anything but. As a matter of fact, most people can't even tell that they are made from plastic bags when they see them. They are surprisingly sturdy and simply wipe clean. I do have customers who even put their rugs in the washer and dryer and say they do fine. Washing your items makes them softer, but no less strong or durable.

This round rug has turquoise and green yarn added to the plastic fibers (or plarn, as it is more commonly known) to create a striking sea-scape of colors. I love how it turned out.
There really is no limit as to what can be made with the bags, though it does take somewhat longer to make these items than it might with conventional yarn or thread. The nice thing is the end result helps our earth by recycling while at the same time supplying a stylish, usable, one of a kind item. I love the idea!
I do take custom orders and would love to hear your ideas. Let me create a unique item just for you.

Thanks for visiting my blog today.

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