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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Rotten Stinky Easter Egg !

Happy Easter to you all. Today is the day when Peter Cottontail, aka.... The Easter Bunny, pays a visit to many bringing an Easter basket and hiding eggs. I remember the great baskets that the Easter Bunny delivered to our house when I was young. Ok, I will admit it! I was a little hurt when those baskets stopped coming. There is just something exciting about waiting to see what goodies are in the basket. Now, I am not just talking candy. The Easter Bunny was a great shopper, and SOMEHOW "he" knew just what I liked. (My Mom was AWESOME!)
Preparing eggs to hide was a lot of fun. I remember gathering around the table at my grandparent's house and coloring eggs in preparation for the big egg hunt at church. It was such a lot of fun.
Hiding eggs wasn't only to be done as a church function. My siblings and I also hid them at home. When thinking about hiding eggs at home with my little ones, I recollect a story from my childhood that makes me laugh. One year, because it rained outside, hiding eggs at home had to be done in the house. My siblings and I excitedly hid the eggs we had colored, each one choosing special hiding places in our living room. One of us decided my father's desk might be the ideal place and hid an egg in a pull out filing drawer among the papers. We set about collecting the eggs that were hidden but somehow, the one in the desk was missed. Some time went by before we began to smell a foul odor in our house. My mother searched the house over but couldn't seem to locate the smell. She enlisted my grandmother's help. She also was unable to find the source of the stench that seemed to be getting worse each day. Finally, my mother opened the desk drawer. You guessed it.  One of our eggs was causing the terrible smell.
We laughabout it now, but back then my parents were less than pleased with our choice of egg hiding places. Come to think of it, that was the one and only time my Mother allowed us to hide REAL eggs in the house.  From then on, we hid only plastic ones.  Isn't childhood grand!! Live and learn. Growing up with my siblings left me with many happy memories which I'll forever cherish. Never a dull moment in our household. Yes, that is what real fun was made of, to be sure. How blessed I was to have such an adventurous childhood. Just goes to show that even rotten, stinky eggs can be memorable.

 The meaning of Easter is Jesus Christ's victory over death. His resurrection symbolizes the eternal life that is granted to all who believe in Him. The meaning of Easter also symbolizes the complete verification of all that Jesus preached and taught during His three-year ministry. If He had not risen from the dead, if He had merely died and not been resurrected, He would have been considered just another teacher or Rabbi. However, His resurrection changed all that and gave final and irrefutable proof that He was really the Son of God and that He had conquered death once and for all. For many around the world, Easter is a day when people celebrate Christ's resurrection and His conquest over death with His ascension to Heaven and the promise of His return one day. Christians therefore believe that they too can receive new life after death through faith in Christ's miracle of the resurrection.  Easter is the celebration of this belief.

"Easter Sunday" is a holiday that helps me and I hope many others to enhance and celebrate the true meaning of existence and living life with purpose.

However you choose to celebrate this holiday, I hope this is a wonderful day for you and one that will cause you to reflect on the very purpose of life.
Thanks for visiting my blog today.

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